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The Seven Generation Modules™




The Seven Generation Modules™ was designed to represent the Energy Pattern Relationships between our composition and those of our past 7 Generations.

The exact placement of each disc, and their juxtaposition of each generation to the next represent an accurate translation of how our genetic formulae patterns are tied to each other and such precise manifestation of the concept, provides in each module, a field effect unique to their own, that would modulate the energetic patterns of a given environment, rendering the environment with which any of these modules are placed, a balanced and harmonious state, giving an overall sense of serenity and complacency, to the surrounding.

When used in conjunction with the PCCM™, one can achieve a total state of oneness with the origin of our Universe, giving peace, and health in totality, for the person that is destined to a renewal in ALL that He represents.




© Copyright 2006. David D'I. All Rights Reserved